Predavanje Sekcije za kliničku farmaciju: Pharmacy Education and practice in Qatar, focus on clinical pharmacy – utorak, 15. studenoga 2022. 15. StudeniStu. 2022 18:00 - 20:00Masarykova 2, Zagreb, Hrvatska

Sekcija za kliničku farmaciju organizira predavanje “Pharmacy Education and practice in Qatar, focus on clinical pharmacy” koje će se održati u prostorijama HFD-a u Masarykovoj ulici u utorak 15. studenoga 2022. u 18 sati.
Predavanje će biti na engleskom jeziku.

Predavač: mag. pharm., pharmD. Ghadeer Daghash

The college of pharmacy (CPH) at Qatar university is playing a pivotal role in shaping health care in Qatar and the region through training the next generation of pharmacists and pharmacy scientists to provide optimal pharmaceutical care and advanced health care outcomes, to promote research and scholarly activity, to work in synergy with other health care professionals and to serve as a pharmacy resource for Qatar, the Middle East and the world. Moreover, CPH partners with many national, regional and international educational and healthcare institutions to support academic and research mandates.
This lecture will cover various core facets related to pharmacy education at Qatar university through a clinical pharmacy prism. The main areas of the lecture include the following: a brief introduction about CPH at Qatar university, admission to the CPH program, tuition fees and scholarships, essential courses and evaluations that touch on clinical pharmacy, structured practical experiential practice, clinical pharmacy activities, Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program and clinical pharmacy practice in Qatar.
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Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo, Masarykova 2, Zagreb, Hrvatska


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