Living and learning through the COVID-19 pandemic – Global reflections

FIP and its partners are working to ensure a successful and vibrant virtual event this year: FIP Virtual 2020!

We are all aware of the significant global challenges presented by COVID-19. FIP has a duty of care to its members, volunteers and congress participants, and is in regular contact with the World Health Organization, globally and regionally. Our policy is to follow its advice, together with guidance from national states and governmental offices. We are also in regular contact with member organisations with whom we are collaborating on planned events.
Given the current situation with the COVID-19, FIP and its co-host, the General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, had to take the decision to reschedule FIP’s 80th World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Spain’s 22nd National Pharmaceutical Congress to 2021.

However, even in this highly exceptional year  – without a physical congress – you can join your peers in a highly interesting and engaging virtual event!

Please note that all time indications are in CEST.


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